2009年6月11日 星期四

At the Bridge Table, Clues to a Lucid Old Age

When we become old enough, it is important to plan our life after retirement. We should take it seriously. Some people don’t think too much about it and retire as soon as they can. They may feel happy and free temporarily. After few days, they fell bored missing their jobs. When they are working, they feel tired and bound, longing for retirement. They, however, are used to working all day. When they retire, they can’t adapt leisure. It comes to torture rather than comfort. I heard lots of such affairs from those adults. They should know there is still a long way to go not just few days. Retirement plan involves in what ways of life they will live. In the article those elders choose retirement community. It is good. They can help each other and do something they like. They can also keep contacting with friends to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It is the most important. They find something to do not just stay home and daze. So plan is necessary. No matter what they like, it is important to find something to do after retirement.
There are lots of things they can do, such as joining clubs, taking lessons and so on. Recently my mother considers retiring. When I asked what she wants to do, it seemed that she had no idea. I advised her to make a retirement plan. She can think about her interests. If she likes cooking, it may be proper to take some culinary lessons. She can also go to retirement community just like those elders in the article. There are lots of things she can do. Just don’t go to retire without any plan.

2009年5月21日 星期四

Drugs in Portugal: Did Decriminalization Work?

I recalled Taiwan’s celebrities who was sent to jail for using illegal drugs. When they were caught by the police, they cried in front of cameras saying that they won’t take drugs again and pleading the public to give them one more chance. It seemed that they were poor and they would repent. They made mistake again however.
I couldn’t help but doubt that if we decriminalize drugs, will the number of drug addicts decline. That solution worked out in Portugal. But it may come out differently in another country, because we have different culture and policy and so on. But the policy is good in certain aspect. It gives those who really try to pull themselves together one more chance. Maybe we could revise our drug laws based on the thought. After all there is still someone who is kind but makes a mistake not on purpose.
It will be good that we could reduce drug use numbers. Our government should be like Portugal’s. It doesn’t mean that we should decriminalize drugs and use the same policy. It means that we should try to make our drug laws better and better. To figure out what will be the most suitable solution for our people is what we should lean from Portugal.

2009年5月4日 星期一

Does Facebook Replace Face Time or Enhance It?

Nowadays internet becomes the most common thing. There are lots of ways to communicate with friends, one of which is facebook. Just as what those people in the article said, facebook is more convenient and better than other forms of communication. For instance when we make a phone call to our friends, not only does it cost lots of money but also we can’t last the call for a long time, because the only we can do is talking. Sometimes we may feel embarrassed when we don’t know what to say or we offend the other one for speaking too quickly to think. However if we use facebook, we won’t have those problem. It really provides a good way keeping in touch with our friends.
However there must be some flaw when we become used to it. Sometimes it is dangerous to make friends on internet for we don’t know their backgrounds or personalities. We just talk to them. Then we will be incautious and give them our private information. It may be a risk for us. Just like the male singer who used facebook to make a girlfriend and was betrayed by her. With the recent news we must be careful about those who we are unfamiliar with even though we consider facebook to be a convenient form of communication.

2009年4月9日 星期四

A Quiet Revolution Grows in the Muslim World

The woman, Ziada, who strived for the rights they deserved, was really courageous. To fight for the things we want may be hard to us who lived in a democratic country. Don’t ever think about a woman living in a conservative country. To launch a revolution needs not only determination, but other important things. Time and money will be essential. Also how to express the leader’s thought to let public accept it is important. If something gets wrong, it may cause lots of troubles. The worst situation may be the revolution fail or other politicians use the revolution to do something bad. Besides the extremist in the revolution may hurt or mislead public. So to launch a revolution really needs courage.
Because of American’s former president, it is normal that Muslims don’t believe Obama. They don’t believe not only Obama but also American. America did so much harm to Muslims. Although Obama promised to help them, who knew that he was genuine. Most countries consider only themselves the most important. America is in a economic recession. Do they have another time and money to help Muslims? Maybe Obama do want to keep the promise. But he just can’t.
The soft revolution may not as successful as other countries, but it did deliver its thought to the public. No matter what the result is, this revolution means the way to the success. Doing something is always better than doing nothing.

2009年3月26日 星期四

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler(書評)

The book described a girl called Claudia plan to run away from her annoying home. She invited her younger brother, Jamie, to join her plan about running away. They left home and went to Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. In the museum they happened to run into the issue about whether the statue of an angel was faked or not. So they embarked on their investigation and adventure.
The plan Claudia made seemed ridiculous. After all who will think of Metropolitan Museum as a suitable place to live? I, however, couldn’t help but admire the two children’s determination especially the girl’s, Claudia. She was the one thinking of something, planning it, and carrying out it. Even most of adults can’t be like so, I included. Instead of doing it immediately, we just want it and think about it. There were also lots of advantages we should learn from Claudia, though she was not good at financial management. When Claudia was determined to get what she wanted, she would start making plan and carry out it with patience. Many people lack for patience. Even though they decide to do something, they sill fail due to impatience. Determination and patience are what we need to learn from Claudia.
Of course there is something else we could learn from the two children. In the beginning of their journey they argue frequently. But later they were gradually accustomed to each other and gave way to the other’s advice. This is what we called unity. When two or more people acting together, unity is so important that if we lack it, we will fail. It is hard to create unity in a group. Giving way is the hardest part of unity. After all everyone always consider themselves to be priority.
What the two children gained is not only the visual present but also something invisible they learned from this journey. Through the adventure they learned experience, unity and something even they couldn’t explain. Although we can’t learn these things in person like them, the book taught us that we should know we certainly get something invaluable from everything we go through, not those visible things but those invisible.

India’s ultracheap car arrives with load of uncertainties

A small car has plenty of advantages indeed. Just like what the article said, a big car may be too much to a small family or those who have not got married. It costs much more money, including not only the car’s price but also the higher oil price and emits lots of exhaust. In addition, it is really hard to find a parking space in Taiwan. With these flaws above, it is really unsuitable to some specific people, though a big car is even more comfortable than a tiny one. The idea creating low-cost small cars is pretty good.
To create something needs courage, which will risk losing many things. An invention costs great money and time. If the invention is successful, then all the hard working is worthwhile. However if it doesn’t succeed, the inventor did all the effort in vain. Besides even if the invention is successful, it may get something wrong and the inventor will risk many things again to repair it or to find which part get wrong. It may be finally fail. So I can’t help but admire Nano’s inventor’s courage and determination. If we also use the kind of courage and determination, we can succeed in everything.

2009年3月16日 星期一

A Web Awash in Liquor Ads, Promoting Moderation

Recently there was lots of news related to traffic accidents after drinking too much especially about celebrities. They always drink too much in the party driving the car and killing people. After that they will be very regretful. When I saw this kind of news, I couldn’t help but think about why people don’t consider the results before doing something wrong. So I totally agree with this article.
Just like what the one in the article said, it is hard to ban people not to drink. But it may work out to remind people to be responsible for their drinking. It is important that everybody be responsible for their own behaviors. They can deliver the thought to everyone through the campaign. People may think twice before they start to indulge themselves. They will think of the things they are going to do after drinking, and then they will drink less. I consider it to be the best condition.
Also what the campaign delivered is aimed at not only those who drink too much but also everyone. Responsibility is the essential thing to people. When we do something, we must consider the results. It is always too late to be regretful after all the mistakes we make. We should learn the most important lesson.

2009年1月8日 星期四

The Big Cram for Hunter High School

Time was ticking as a dozen sixth graders prepared to face the thing they had talked about, dreamed about and lost sleep over for much of the past year: the Hunter College High School admissions exam, a strenuous three- hour test that weeds out about 90 percent of those who take it. I thought cram school exists only in Taiwan. However in the article, I found I was wrong. It seems that every student, no matter where country they stay, they all have big pressure to enter a good school for a good job in the future. I really do dislike the way we learn thing. Everyone studies for a good job. There are less people studying for interest, me included. Seeing how hard the students in the article studied reminds me of the awful memory of when I was preparing for the entrance exam. Every day it seemed that I had endless books to study and I had no happiness in that time. My health became bad because of staying up and the big pressure. It was awful. I wish I wouldn’t face the situation again. It is impossible, though. Because almost everyone go to enter a research institute, I will fail to find a job, if I don’t enter it in the future, just like what those students said, all because of a successful career. It is ridiculous. We study not for extending knowledge but for a job.